Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

Student Financial Responsibility Agreement


同意科林的注册条款和条件以及支付学费的协议 Charges and Unpaid Student Account Balances



当我在科林县社区学院区注册任何课程时,我明白 (Collin) or receive any service from Collin, I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees and other associated costs and/or student account balances assessed as a result of my registration and/or receipt of services. I further understand and 同意我的注册实际上是接受这些条款并构成承诺 note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which Collin is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs and/or balances by the published or assigned due date.           

I understand and agree I am responsible for dropping/withdrawing from courses I do not plan to attend. I understand my registration is only complete upon full funding of my courses. I understand and agree if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule, which specifies 100 percent remission of tuition and fees is only available for courses dropped prior to the beginning of the term or mini-term. I have read the terms and conditions of the published tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. I further understand my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve me of my financial responsibility as described above.

Per Texas Education Code 54.007(2)(d): A student who fails to make full payment of tuition and mandatory fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make full payment prior to the end of the semester or term may be denied credit for the work done that semester or term.



Financial Holds: I understand and agree if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing Collin by the scheduled due date, Collin will place a financial hold on my student account, preventing me from making registration changes and/or additions, requesting transcripts, receiving my diploma, and/or my course enrollment status may be changed to drop for non-payment or withdrawn.


Collection Agency Fees:  I understand and accept if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing Collin by the scheduled due date and/or fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, Collin may refer my delinquent account to a collection agency. I understand and accept monies owed includes any unpaid amount on my student account, including but not limited to assessed charges for qualified tuition and related education expenses and/or adjustments to financial aid awards and/or amounts not covered under a third party funding agreement made on my behalf between Collin and another entity. I further understand that if Collin refers my student account balance to a third party for collection, a collection fee will be assessed and will be due in full at the time of the referral to the third party.  The collection 费用将以适用法律允许的最高金额计算,但不是 to exceed 30 percent of the amount outstanding.  For purposes of this provision, the third party may be a debt collection company or an attorney.  If a lawsuit is filed 为了收回未偿余额,我也将负责任何相关的费用 with the lawsuit such as court costs or other applicable costs.  I understand and 同意本人的欠账可向一家或多家国家信用机构报告 bureaus. I hereby give authorization to apply all monies due me from Collin to any delinquent amount due; until the principal account balances as well as any other fees and/or costs are paid in full. I also understand and agree all disputes about registration 或付款将按照德克萨斯州的法律管辖,没有 regard to the principles of conflicts of laws of the State of Texas. The venue for 任何火博体育官网追讨拖欠债务的诉讼都将在德克萨斯州的科林县进行.


Drop for Non-Payment: I understand if my course enrollment is changed to a drop for non-payment status, 我有责任发起并完成任何后续的注册活动 for the term.


Late Payment Charge: 如果我未能在学期开始前注册和/或失败,我理解并同意 to pay my student account balance or any monies due and owing Collin by scheduled 到期日,科林将评估当前董事会批准的费用,逾期付款和/或财务 charges as published and/or included in any additional promissory note or agreement between the student and Collin.





Method of Communication: I understand and agree Collin uses my Collin assigned e-mail account as the official method of communication with me; and therefore, I am responsible for reading the e-mails I receive from Collin on a timely basis and taking any required action indicated in official correspondence sent to this address.


Contact: I authorize Collin and its agents and contractors to contact me at my current and 任何未来的手机号码,电子邮件地址或无线设备(s)有关 my delinquent student account(s)/loan(s), and any other debt I owe to Collin and/or to receive general information from Collin. I authorize Collin and its agents and 承办商使用自动电话拨号设备,人工或预录 voice or text messages, and personal calls and emails, in their efforts to contact me. Furthermore, I understand that I may withdraw consent to call my cellular phone 通过提交我的书面请求,使用自动电话拨号设备,包括 name, CWID, and contact phone num ber, to or, when applicable, in writing to the applicable contractor or agent contacting me on behalf of Collin.


Updating Contact Information: I understand and agree that I am responsible for keeping Collin records up to date with my current physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers by following the published procedure. The linked procedure is incorporated herein by reference. Upon leaving Collin for 无论什么原因,我都有责任向科林提供最新的火博体育 for purposes of continued communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owing to Collin.




我了解Collin使用电子账单(e-bill)作为其正式的结算方式; and therefore, I am responsible for viewing and paying my student account e-bill by the scheduled due date. I also understand not all registration activity will result 在到期日期之前生成的电子账单以及我账户上的任何活动 may generate additional financial activity on my account not included in the e-bill. It is my responsibility to verify my current account balance and comply with payment deadlines. I further understand that failure to receive or review my e-bill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying my bill on time. E-bill information and current account balance detail is available in the secure CougarPay portal accessed through my CougarWeb access.




I understand administrative, clerical or technical billing errors do not absolve me of my financial responsibility to pay the correct amount of tuition, fees and other associated financial obligations assessed as a result of my registration at Collin.




If a payment made to my student account is returned by the bank for any reason, I agree to repay the original amount of the payment plus a returned payment fee per the published fee rate. I understand that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement I sign with Collin may result in cancellation of 我的课程和/或暂停我在科林注册未来课程的资格; suspension of some payment method opportunities; collection processes as noted in 上述欠款/催收部分,及/或太平绅士程序 and possible warrants, as a result of a returned check.




If I decide to completely withdraw from Collin, I will follow Student Development’s policy, which I understand and agree is incorporated herein by reference.




我明白科林受《火博体育官网》(FERPA)的约束, 禁止科林公布我教育记录中的任何信息 my written permission. Therefore, I understand that if I want Collin to share information from my education record with someone else, I must provide written permission per the FERPA Student & Parent Guide. 我进一步明白,我可以在任何时候撤销我的许可 procedure. Further, I understand I may provide FERPA release online for my student 通过指定“授权”,通过CougarWeb中的CougarPay门户网站获取财务账户信息 用户的状态,我选择的个人,我可以撤销该在线授权 as instructed in the same portal.


我进一步理解并同意,如果我或我授权的机构, 向科林提交申请,让第三方资助我的全部或部分教育费用 expenses at Collin that this serves as my FERPA release for Collin to provide that agency with information the agency requires to complete the funding process. I understand and agree that required information may include, but may not be limited to, student account, enrollment, completion, and personal identifying information.




科林的商业办公室需要报告社会安全号码(SSN)或个人 纳税人识别号码(ITIN),以满足美国国税局(IRS)的信息 报告法规以及其他联邦、州和合同业务合作伙伴 funding and reporting requirements. I understand and authorize Collin to use my SSN/ITIN for internal and external credit reporting and collection purposes for all charges incurred against this account for the duration of my enrollment at Collin. All entities 是由合同和联邦法律强制要求保护您的机密,以及SSN/ITIN的 are confidential and exempt from public records requests.


IRS Form 1098-T: I agree to provide my Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN)应国税局1098-T表申报规定的要求向科林提供 通过登录到CougarWeb,然后从学生选项卡中选择学费/付款 块,然后是学生的纳税人身份证明,并提供所需的信息. If I fail to provide my SSN or TIN to Collin, I agree to pay any and all IRS fines assessed as a result of my missing SSN/TIN.


I consent to receive my annual IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, electronically from Collin for any calendar year in which I am eligible to receive the 1098-T Form. I understand that my act of registration is my consent. However, if I choose to register but wish to withdraw my consent for an electronic Form 1098-T, I understand I must 通过CougarPay门户通过取消1098交付授权来撤销该同意. 在我撤回同意后,我们将为符合条件的历年提供一份纸质副本.



I understand and agree if I am younger than the applicable age of majority when I 执行这一协议,科林提供的教育服务是必要的, and I am contractually obligated pursuant to the “doctrine of necessaries.”



我明白助学金中所描述的“估计”并不代表助学金 actual or guaranteed payment but is an estimate of the aid I may receive if I meet all requirements stipulated by that aid program.

I understand my Financial Aid Award is contingent upon my continued enrollment and attendance in each class upon which my financial aid eligibility was calculated. If I drop any class before completion and/or do not participate as required by federal law, I understand my financial aid eligibility may decrease and some or all of the financial aid awarded to me may be revoked.

If some or all of my financial aid is revoked because I dropped or failed to attend 因此,我同意偿还所有被撤销的已支付到我的账户上并由此产生的资助 in a credit balance refunded to me.

我理解并同意任何经济援助,包括但不限于联邦Title 我收到的经济援助,除了联邦工读工资,将首先申请 to any outstanding balance on my account in the same academic year in which the aid was awarded for tuition, fees, room and board. Title IV financial aid includes aid from the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Direct Loan, PLUS Loan, and TEACH Grant programs. I authorize Collin to apply my financial aid, including Title IV financial aid, to other charges assessed to my student account such as liability insurance (when required by my course selection and registration), 书店收费、服务费和罚款,以及任何其他与教育有关的费用 or balance due. I further understand this authorization will remain in effect until I rescind it or the end of the financial aid award period for which I was offered 并接受了助学金,我可以拒绝或撤回这份授权 at any time by providing written notice to or any Student Financials office location.


Prior Year:  I authorize Collin to apply up to $200 of any financial aid award disbursed to my 学生账户,用于支付给我的学生未支付的教育相关费用 account in a prior award year. I may decline or withdraw this authorization at any time by providing written notice to or to any Student Financials office location .


Prizes, Awards, Third Party Educational Assistance, Scholarships, and Grants: I understand all prizes, awards, third party educational assistance, scholarships and/or grants awarded to me or processed by Collin on my behalf will be credited to my student account and applied toward any outstanding balance. I further understand 我收到的奖品,奖励,第三方教育援助,奖学金或助学金 根据联邦第四章财政援助条例被认为是一种财政火博体育 and that I am responsible for reporting that resource as such, which may therefore reduce my eligibility for other federal and/or state financial aid (i.e., loans, grants, 联邦工作学习),如果已经支付到我的学生账户,必须撤销 and returned to the aid source. I understand I will be financially responsible for any balance due on my account as a result of such resource reversal.




I understand and agree in the case of any dispute with Collin regarding any terms 和我的注册条件或学生生活,而与科林,科林 may require settlement of the dispute through arbitration or mediation rather than civil litigation.

我明白并同意离开这个页面并选择注册课程 at Collin College, I am accepting responsibility for my student account and agree to all the responsibilities, terms and conditions as specified in this agreement.





This agreement supersedes all prior understandings, representations, negotiations and correspondence between the student and Collin, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters described, and shall not be modified or affected by any course of dealing or course of performance. This agreement may 修订,以符合未来董事会批准的政策变更,并公布在Collin website and/or a change or modification signed by me. Any modification is specifically limited to those policies and/or terms addressed in the modification.